10 notes
11.0% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
4 years ago
Mika A
@ De Bierliefhebber4 years ago
Lähes musta, hapoton ja vaahdoton. Tuoksu on pähkinäinen, suklaa liköörinen, laktoosinen. Maku on näitä edellä mainittuja, aivan jäätävän makea. 0,44l annoskoko saattaa olla hivenen liikaa yksin juotavaksi. Joka tapauksessa erittäin hyvä tälläinen karkkipäivä olut. Jälkiruokana menisi myös hienosti.
Tuomas S
@ Panema4 years ago
Mahtava pähkinäinen, suklainen ja makea. Nam.
4 years ago
Bonne dégustation ce soir de cette collab avec la brasserie Serbe Kabinet.
On est sur la base solide d’un impérial pastry stout bien maîtrisé aux notes épicées révélées par la noix de muscade combinée à la vanille, aux noix, au cacao et au lactose. D’une rondeur onctueuse, longue en bouche, c’est pas épais non plus, c’est très gourmand, aussi bien au palais qu’au nez!Une belle réussite 👍🏻
Je vous recommande bien évidement les produits de cette brasserie Néerlandaise d’une belle régularité 😉
@ De BierTonne4 years ago
One for the road although we're not on the road anymore. The beer pours fizzy black: blankets of minuscule chocolatey bubbles cling tightly onto the glass, which makes the color look dark brown. A tan, hair-thin lacing is born on the top, just to die quickly away. Then the surface is flat still.
The fragrance is substantially demure: I can solely pick moderate suggestions of dark chocolate and cacao nibs as well as a shy proposal of licorice.
The gustatory provision turns the big wheel rolling. Colossal sweet dark chocolate and a huge cauldron of cacao nibs greet delicate vanilla and a mix of walnut and hazelnut. Lactose is evident in the presentation of creamy and sugary hints. The combination signals echoes of mudcake and chocolate brownies, spiced with a pinch of coarse nutmeg.
The body is at least medium-full. The oversweetness mesmerizes my senses to assess it fuller than what it is: my first impression is that the body is full but it's probably closer to medium-full than full.
The beer finishes with truly sweet dark chocolate, loads of cacao nibs, chocolate-flavored cream and somewhat harsher-gearing vanilla pod. The nutty element is detectable, especially the distantly bitter walnut and its peel. Nutmeg has vanished from my reach. The aftertaste bakes chocolate pastries with the tastebuds over medium duration.
The mouthfeel can easily be regarded as full because it's sappy, sticky and lip-glueing, also somewhat chewy and surely savory. The mouthfeel is also really velvety and deep as well as a tad multilayered, yet not particularly complex. It's apparently significantly pastry-like and desserty.
4 years ago
Un vrai gâteau ! Quel régal 😍. A aucun moment on ne sent l'alcool (11%), c'est chocolaté, gourmand, sucré, ça se marie idéalement avec un fondant ou un brownie. Le lactose apporte une belle onctuosité et beaucoup de rondeur.
Benoit S
4 years ago
Lee A
@ Bier huis Ossett4 years ago
Nice, but does have a slight liquorice taste
Océane P
@ Le Sur Mesure5 years ago
Une excellente stout cacao/café! Un délice ! Goût subtile de cannelle en fin de bouche
Marco B
5 years ago