Triple IPA Dry Hopped with Citra aged in Foeder with 100% Brettanomyces.
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@ BrewDog Webshop5 years ago
Paljon old schoolimpi kuin odotin. Todella hyvä. Ehkä himpun liian makea ajoittain. Brettaa sopivasti, eli taustalla juuri havaittavissa. Tykkään.
Kiitokset vaan veljelle pullosta.
Juho L
5 years ago
Olipas mielenkiintoinen ja oudolla tavalla tosi hyvää. Old school tipa with a funky twist on paras tapa millä kuvailis. Hyvää on.
Mika M
5 years ago
Antti K
5 years ago
James Š
@ James' House5 years ago
Had a try of this before Christmas and loved it, and was fortunate enough to have been gifted a bottle. It’s such a unique beer, every aspect of brewing it has been twisted it’s so far removed from what it should be, I feel like I can’t even comment on it. The flavours I’m tasting aren’t what they’re supposed to be! Where has the Maltiness come from? Why is it so smooth and drinkable?
Jamie K
@ BrewDog Webshop5 years ago
Very deep flavours
A nice strong triple dry hopped IPA.
Hoppy sweet malty flavours
Tastes like it’s barrel aged
Very nice well crafted drink