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Whiskey Barrel Aged Lugene 10.5%, Odell Brewing Company, United States
1 notes
Whiskey Barrel Aged Lugene
10.5% Imperial / Double Milk Stout
Farmers are patient and understand it takes time for some things to mature. We followed their lead with our Whiskey Barrel Aged Lugene, named after our favorite farmer who has been hauling our spent grain to his dairy cows for years. We took a batch of our Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout, moved it into some, Woody Creek Rye Whiskey barrels for six months. The result is a beer that is dynamic and complex, with aromas of roasted malt, dark chocolate and toffee, and a smooth but full-bodied mouthfeel with subtle flavors of rye spice and vanilla.
Vieillie en fût


Post author: ChrisD21
@ Total Wine and More
5 years ago
Whiskey Barrel Aged Lugene, United States
Pours black with a tan head overall strong hints of chocolate, with subtle hints of vanilla, balanced with whiskey, alcohol warms you pretty good, light carbonation, very smooth, sweet but balanced, overall really good beer.