Jari J
@ De Bierliefhebber6 years ago
Just came home from fishing (no fish). Also beer number 800.
Bottle. Best before: 10/2022
Temperature: +10,5 degrees
Black in color. Light brown, dence amd creamy head with average retention. Some of the foam however stays for a while: 4,25/5
Nose: coffee, alcohol, licorise, earthy, some peated aroma. Not very strong: 3/5
Mouthfeel: medium-full, oily, some warmth from the high ABV... Average: 3,5/5
Taste: roasted coffee, chocolate, sweetness, earthy, and then that unique De moersleutel flavor: 9/15
Was expecting much more bite and overall charecter. Now this just isn't that big and bold Russian Imperial stout. Very carefull aproach: 13/20