Mr X
5 years ago
GFC 5 - same as previous review. Malty for a Brut. Has a light fruit taste. Also has a bit of a stale taste so maybe it’s been in the beer fridge too long
Here is the Flyers clock - pants down
Mr X
6 years ago
Re-review time. Clean glass. I’m still getting quite a bit of caramel malt with this. There is some very light fruit in the background. This doesn’t seem to follow the brut style. It’s an okay beer but not much more
Mr X
6 years ago
I’m not quite getting a “brut” taste to this. I’m actually getting a little malty taste. I have some others so I’ll try again. I’ll go a 2.5 for now but will try another tomorrow. I’m wondering if I’m some how tainted - maybe I didn’t rinse my glass well.