This is the result of Teo's wish to experiment. It is a living, top fermented beer which, after being exposed to the air of the Langhe area and resting for a long period of time - becomes a new & unique product. When poured, it has no head or gas; it has a clear, full Amber, brownish colour with copper reflections. When initially inhaled it is very intense, with aromas of dried fruit and strong & harmonious notes which bring Madeira wine to mind.
Ph R
@ Impasse des Cerisiers, Bellerive VD6 years ago
Caramel-orange, vineux, pruneaux, assez gras.
@ Impasse des Cerisiers, Bellerive VD6 years ago
Barley wine, très douce, caramel, plate, vraiment différente des autres Barley wine impressionnante
Isma hell
@ Impasse des Cerisiers, Bellerive VD6 years ago
Douceur caramel, figues, boisé
Christian K
@ Impasse des Cerisiers, Bellerive VD6 years ago
Barley Wine exclusive et limite inaccessible...