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Xyauyù Fumè 2014 14.0%, Birrificio Agricolo Baladin, Italy
6 ratings
Xyauyù Fumè 2014
14.0% Barley Wine
Dark ruby red color, clear, flat and with no head. Its peaty scents and malty notes - typical of whisky - are well balanced on a strong and warm body, which opens to caramel notes in the finish. When you sip it, the caramel and smoky notes coming from the aging barrels blend harmoniously and persist in the final, after a brief appearance of hints of ripe fruit.


Post author: Mélissa Émilie
Mélissa Émilie
8 months ago

Post author: Tuomas S
Tuomas S
@ Olutravintola Pikkulintu
4 years ago
Xyauyù Fumè 2014, Italy
Todella savuinen, mutta äärettömän pehmeä. Karamellia ja lakritsia myös.

Post author: Winzard
@ Olutravintola Pikkulintu Ruttopuisto
5 years ago
Xyauyù Fumè 2014, Italy

Post author: Miitre
5 years ago
Xyauyù Fumè 2014, Italy

Post author: Zaa Z
Zaa Z
@ Olutravintola Pikkulintu Ruttopuisto
5 years ago
Xyauyù Fumè 2014, Italy
Pullosta jaettuna. Pehmeää savuisuutta (+tervaa), kepeää alkoholia, makeaa kuivahedelmää ja kevyttä ylikypsempää hedelmää, toffeeta ja leipäistä mallasta. Savuisuus kera tervan hallitsee tätä makeaa kokonaisuutta. Ei ihan osu maaliin.

Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ Dobry Zbeer
5 years ago
Xyauyù Fumè 2014, Italy
Islay whiskey, smoky and peaty in addition some barley wine caramel flavour coming out occasionally. Very smooth for islay ba, which usually is sharp and too dominating.