James Š
@ James' House2 years ago
Brewed in 2017, I have no idea how long I’ve had this but it’s been in the fridge a very long time, possibly 4 years +…
Aroma is quite medicinal with only a hint of smoke. Taste is more complex. Peat comes through heavily. Liquorice and spicy malts follow. Herbal finish.
I’m glad it’s only a 330ml bottle as it’s quite intense.
2 years ago
Musta olut puolentoista sormen vahvuisella beigellä vaahdolla.
Tuoksussa on savua ja paahdetta.
Olut on täyteläinen, hapokas, makea ja pehmeä.
Mausta löytyy paahdetta, kahvia, salmiakkia, savua, palvikinkkua ja suklaata.
Oikein mukava savuinen IS. Sopii hyvin jouluun.
(5+8+5+7+14=39) 3,9
4 years ago
@ Drinks of the World, Luzern4 years ago
4 years ago
Comment toujours avec cette brasserie, une biere amère au goût de vieille huile de moteur ! Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, c'est un vrai choc. Mais moi j aime !
4 years ago
@ Impasse des Cerisiers, Bellerive VD4 years ago
Imperial stout, nez fumée et petite acidité, bouche fumée et amertume en fin de bouche
Christian K
@ Impasse des Cerisiers, Bellerive VD4 years ago
Nez fumé, chocolat noir. Bouche légèrement acide avec une évolution vers l’amer qui fait plaisir! Wow, Dutch power at its best!
4 years ago
@ De BierTonne4 years ago
Another hop harvesting beer. Now we harvested about 10 liters of the other neighbor's hops, those ones which I called "lush" in my previous posting.
The beer pours murky, jet black. The surprisingly brave carbonation creates a silky, fawn head that surpasses one finger's height. The foamy cap descends soon to a thin lacing and paints the glass with thick coverings here and there.
The scent puts forward an appealing smoky aroma if smoke is among one's favorites. It's slightly like cured ham. Moreover, there's relatively hefty licorice that keeps hovering to the nostrils. Simple but nice.
The taste profile is smoky, of course -- this is a smoked imperial stout-ish as the text on the label reads. I can find also strong licorice, faint star anise, a bit of whisky, peat, tar and a note of burned wood. As if it was barrel aged although to my understanding it's not. The malty backbone is composed of roasted rye, smoked barley and a pinch of caramel. Quite an appealing combination!
The body is medium to medium-full. It's not up to the level I was hoping given the ABV is 10 %. The beer ends with strong licorice, a bit of tar and burned rye malt but smoke has faded into the darkness to some extent. The moderately bittering hops step forward now for the first time. The aftertaste burns fire behind the tastebuds' asses for a rather short time.
The mouthfeel is medium-strong, smoked, a tad burned and distantly herbal. It's also fairly smooth and shows faintly crisp characteristics, as well.