14 notes
Bourbon Barrel Aged French Toast Devil Dog
11.4% Imperial Stout
Vieillie en fût
Mark S
1 year ago
Number four of four
Another good pour with a head that didn't last. Wow there is an explosion of bourbon as soon as I opened the can. Scent carries some maple syrup and cinnamon, but the bourbon is very over powering. With the flavour combinations, it is reminiscent of a jack Daniels with coke.
Mouthfeel is syrupy at first, like treacle. It goes down smooth with mild carbonation, but like a hot chili pepper, a huge wave of heat rolls over everything afterwards.
Taste is intense on all fronts, sweetness, bourbon, heat. Brown sugar with a little vanilla at first, then the thick wall of syrupy cinnamon sweetness hits. The bourbon rides in and crushes everything else afterwards. There is a nice aftertaste, that carries a little bit of everything.
This is a strange one but I really liked it.
@ Pint Please at Home3 years ago
Advent Calendar Day #14
2018 vintage, canned on 10-19-2018. I do believe this is my last can of this release, but they release it yearly, so I'll never be without.
French toast aroma along with a light amount of bourbon. Taste has a nice buttery French toast flavor with bourbon showing up mid-palate. The bourbon is flavorful without overpowering the beer.
The body is just about medium-full with a lower amount of carbonation.
This has definitely fallen off a good bit from when I originally picked it up, but that's expected after 3 years. Still a tasty beer and I'll enjoy the rest of the glass. 4/5
4 years ago
Side by side review with 2018 and 2020 vintages. Well, sort of. I'll be drinking them back to back rather than truly side by side.
2020: French toast aroma. Taste has French toast, but it's not as prominent as in the past. Much more bitterness is present. Medium+ body with a lower amount of carbonation. 4/5
I will update once I start drinking the 2018 vintage
2018: I almost forgot to review this one. This one has lost some of its luster, but it's still quite reminiscent of French toast. The bitterness in the more recent batch isn't present in the older batch. 4.25/5
5 years ago
Side by side review with Founders French Toast Bastard
Butter, maple syrup and cinnamon in the aroma. Some bourbon as well. Taste has cinnamon, butter and maple syrup. Finishes with bourbon.
Medium-full body with an appropriately lower amount of carbonation. Second best French toast beer I've had. 4.5/5
5 years ago
I've said this before...French toast drizzled in maple syrup and bourbon with a nice pat of butter on top. Bourbon lingers in the aftertaste. I may have picked up way too much of this, but I enjoy it each and every time I have it. 4.5/5
6 years ago
Delicious beer. French toast in a glass with a splash of bourbon. 4.5/5
6 years ago
Great beer. Outstanding beer. More bourbon character would take this to world class status. French toast in a glass. 4.5/5
6 years ago
I love this beer. French toast in a glass with some bourbon and maple syrup drizzled on top with a pat of butter melting away. If you find this, and like French toast, buy it. One of my favorite beers. 4.5/5
6 years ago
Time for a little bit of breakfast in a glass. 4.5/5
6 years ago
One of my favorite beers