1216 ratings
Left Hand Brewing
Longmont, United States
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@ Allen's Cave5 days ago
Happy Thanksgiving! đŠ At my son's house for Thanksgiving food, football, and some good beer. This isn't just a Duo with Ryan. My son, daughter-in-law, Ryan, my daughter and my granddaughter all trying this pumpkin beer. A real family tasting.
Incredibly high Nitro head. Took a while to go down. The Nitro made this texture extremely creamy and soft. The pumpkin and spice are evident quickly. Right behind it the sweet latte coffee appears. Well balanced but perhaps a little too sweet. The flavor stays consistent through the finish. Good dessert style ale. Glad it was a tall boy can because I would like to have had a little more.
@ Beer Republic Web Shop1 month ago
Valkoviinisen yrttinen tuoksu.Maku hapan,valkoviinimĂ€inen ja belgihiivainen.Alko puskee hieman lĂ€pi,ei hyvĂ€ juttu..đ
@ Ratsherrn Store Schanze2 months ago
Optisch erwartbar schwarz mit gebrĂ€unter Blume, die nach dem leicht öligen Einlauf nicht sehr ĂŒppig aufsteigt, recht grobporig ist und rasch zusammenbricht.
Es riecht nach kaltem Kaffee, Röstmalz und etwas Dörrobst. Dazu gesellt sich ein mineralischer Unterton.
Der Antrunk lĂ€uft sehr weich ĂŒber die Zunge. ZunĂ€chst nimmt man herb-sĂ€uerliche Kaffeearomen wahr, untermalt von wahrnehmbaren Alkohol. Mit der Zeit blitzen Noten von Dörrobst, Lakritz und einer subtilen SĂŒĂe auf. Es kehrt aber immer schnell die herb-sĂ€uerliche KaffeeattitĂŒde zurĂŒck. Im Auslauf wird der Alkohol immer deutlicher spĂŒrbar.
@ Allen's Cave2 months ago
At my son's house watching college football and drinking dark beers. Very unusual for a Bourbon drinker. Good day for me.
Left Hand Brewing is one of his favorites. This French Toast is one I have enjoyed before. Soft, sweet maple aroma. Gentle texture, has the toast, bread, and maple they are trying to convey. Velvet finish with the same flavors.
@ Hazel's Beverage World2 months ago