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Three Taverns Craft Brewery
64 arviota
Three Taverns Craft Brewery
Decatur, United States

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Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
2 years ago
This is one of my beers from Decatur Georgia that I've shared with Ryan. A Japanese style rice beer. Has extremely light yellow color, and it's hazy. Probably because it's unfiltered. Not much aroma. First taste is definitely weak. Light malt. At first, I get a hint of lemon, then disappears and just leaves a mild tart characteristic. No corn. Can says it has Jasmine tea in it. Did not find it it first but the flavor builds with each sip and by the third the Jasmine revealed itself. Actually pretty good. Finish turns a little dry. This is a very simple and light on flavor beer. It's hard for me to criticize it because I believe it's all intentional. It's actually really good in it's very subtle and mild way.

Post author: UC08
@ Boston's Restaurant & Sport Bar
2 years ago