25 notes
Tin Roof Brewing Company
Baton Rouge, United States
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@ Hilton Garden Inn French Quarter9 months ago
After work pale ale.
Keltainen ja kirkas.
Tuoksussa pehmeää sitrusta sekä humalan aromista leikittelyä.
Pehmeän rapsakka kärki on hedelmäinen ja semi-kuiva. Runko samettisen kupliva sekä kevyesti makean maltainen. Lopussa hieman sitrusta antamassa lisää hedelmäistä potkua. Jälkimaku hedelmäisen maltainen.
@ Ray's Cave1 year ago
Finally getting Ryan to break his diet and have a beer with me. An American pale ale from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Super high head. Could only pour 1/3 of a glass in order to keep it from going over the top. Let it settle, poured a little bit more and it did go over the top. Light yellow color at first then starts turning a bit brown. The beer is so hazy that it is deeply opaque with no particulates. Sugar sweet aroma. On the first taste I got mango, a pulpey fruit sensation. A lot of malt and lemon appears in the middle. The effervescence has continued in my stomach. Ignoring that, the finish is bland and flat. The bitterness from the hops is week and boring and even turning a bit sour.
This beer is not very good. It's OK but why drink such an unremarkable Brew.
Marlène C
4 years ago
Avec des vrais morceaux de gâteau dedans. Un vague goût de glaçage, très sucré. C'est un peu bizarre. On leur pardonne car c'est leur 10e anniversaire !
@ Stein's market & deli5 years ago
John K. B
6 years ago
Mmmmm. Tropical, passion fruit, very tasty. Great gateway beer.
@ DAT Dog8 years ago
Yummy dark beer that wasn't at the brewery.