79 ratings
Baxter Brewing
Lewiston, United States
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1 year ago
Hazy but light…
Weathering a hurricane “delightfully - Linds”
Petri P
1 year ago
Easy light lager, ok when thirsty
Mr X
4 years ago
Has citrusy hops that leans towards grapefruit & orange with some piney resin. Has medium caramel malts to it.
Overall it is quite hoppy but the malty side takes that away a little. If the malty side was toned down a little it would improve this beer tremendously. Given that it is still pretty good.
Mr X
4 years ago
Happy Friday. Has citrus and floral hops with a light caramel malt background.
Overall a basic IPA that is very serviceable & drinkable. It’s nothing special but I’m enjoying