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Broad St Brewing
3 arviota
Broad St Brewing
United States

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Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
11 days ago
This has a citrusy taste that leans towards orange. Hoppy bitterness is very light at best. Has a very light biscuity malt. Has a little tea aftertaste to it. Overall it is mediocre hazy at best.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
18 days ago
This is a plain Jane middle of the road DIPA. It has mainly an apricot taste with a hint of tea in the aftertaste. Hoppy bitterness is very light at best. Has some very light semi-sweet malt. Overall nothing to seek Waiting for the Tyson fight watching the undercards now. I have to route for Tyson 🥊 since he is an old man a year younger than me. It takes balls to step in the ring at 58. 🥊🥊 It’s funny as Spaten is sponsoring on the lower rope of the ring.