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Cerveses Artesanas Baix Maestrat SL
76 ratings
Cerveses Artesanas Baix Maestrat SL

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Post author: Jmal
1 year ago
This one is lacking of foam. Coffee notes, chocolate hints…i will not go with a second one

Post author: Jmal
1 year ago
Tasty hoppy beer. Nice sweet orange notes with a slight hoppy finish

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
1 year ago
Finally got a cup, even if it is plastic. Stout is not something I'd normally think of in hot weather but it is chilled nicely. Poured well from the can giving a body of subtle black with a nice brown hue against the light. There was a half finger of foam at first but it faded quickly. Scent is fairly muted, alcohol on top(it's only 6% though) and beneath that there's some chocolate, espresso, brown sugar and vanilla. Mouthfeel is very smooth, no foam, little or no carbonation and verging on flat but it works very well here. Taste is pleasant, coffee shines through and sweetness to compliment it comes from the chocolate. The vanilla and brown sugar aren't to be found. This worked well I thought, simplifying the taste makes it easier to accurately achieve. Would recommend this stout.