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Amor Artis Brewery
3 arviota
Amor Artis Brewery
United States

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Post author: David D
David D
@ Lowes Foods #227 NC HWY 42 W
9 months ago
Pours a clear, golden yellow. Good foam top. Faint citrusy aroma that carries over to the flavor along with a nice touch of bitterness and pine.

Post author: David D
David D
@ Draft & Vine
1 year ago
I'm drinking a beer, fryin' bacon, and the laundry is caught up. Life is good. Cheers 🍻 everyone

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ The Bruin Craft Beer and Wine
1 year ago
This is a really nice amber that is well balanced. Has a malty taste that has a unsweetened caramel taste that has a light nutty taste to it. Has earthy hops that has a light spicy kick to it. Starts out on the malty side but the hoppy side quickly kicks in. Very well balanced. Another beer brought home from vacation (I love that I still have vacation beers).