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Myth Monkey Beer / 水猴子
1 ratings
Myth Monkey Beer / 水猴子

Myth Monkey Beer is a local Chinese beer brewery located in Wuhu, China. Signature brews are fruity and fragrant, appealing to a younger, more casual audience. Naming derives from the ancient Chinese myth 水猴子 “water monkey” or 水鬼 “water ghost”. The monkey draws from ancient Chinese mythological “diagrams”, while type design stylistically blend Asian calligraphy with contemporary Latin-based type design. Myth Monkey Branding Visual Identity Packaging Design Wuhu 2019

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Post author: Jiimies
@ Brewdog Shanghai
1 year ago
Stamp wankers united! Samea keltainen. Pehmeän hedelmäinen tuoksu. Kärjessä mukavasti pehmeää mangoa rungossa enemmän sitrusta. Jälkimaussa pientä kukkaista katkeruutta.