6 arviota
Bayonet Brewing
United Kingdom
Northallerton, North Yorkshire
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Paul G
@ radbeer.com2 years ago
Tooka punt on this one, with a brewery I've never heard of and it turns out this is a year anniversary brew hailing from North Yorkshire.
Bright yellow haze with no visible carbonation and no head retained. It's got a bright citrus aroma coming out with an inherent sweetness but also it's got a strange tang that reminds me of a very poor beer I had that had been sat on a shelf for far too long by a poorly regarded brewer. Let's hope this isn't in the same vein.
It's very light and soft but immediately watery followed up by alcohol. This is far too thin and washed out to cover the 6.8% ABV. There is a raw hoppy tang, like it's Cyro or liquid hop products were used, both of which aren't mentioned so I have to conclude it's just poor.
Perhaps that's harsh, the citrus nature to this brew is nice and it certainly is bright and juicy, I just can't get over the odd tang. It's like a cross between liquid hop and freeze pop that's not frozen complete with artificial flavours.
To be fair, it is more a hop tang than a artificial flavouring taste, but it's not particularly pleasant. If you see this brew I'd say choose summut else, but if you havent the choice then it's acceptable.