7 Bewertungen
The Loch Ewe Brewing Company Ltd
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Andy M
@ The Loch Ewe Brewing Company Ltd2 years ago
Lovely Ruby ale, sweet malty taste with stone fruit and red berry notes.
Andy M
@ The Loch Ewe Brewing Company Ltd2 years ago
Rich with stone fruit and malty notes.
Andy M
@ The Loch Ewe Brewing Company Ltd2 years ago
This has those familiar Abbey style flavours along with stone fruit.
Andy M
@ The Loch Ewe Brewing Company Ltd2 years ago
A very solid IPA, notes of citrus and berries, soft bitter finish.
Andy M
@ The Loch Ewe Brewing Company Ltd2 years ago
A traditional style porter and beautifully crafted. Rich malty character with chocolate notes and a hint of smoke, has a rich mouth feel and big body for the abv.