Torchlight Brewing Company
11 ratings
Torchlight Brewing Company

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Post author: Jugistyle M
Jugistyle M
@ Bar Loose
1 year ago

Post author: OVAS
@ Lönkka Bull & Bottle
2 years ago

Post author: Thibault S
Thibault S
5 years ago

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Liquor Plus
7 years ago
I've been looking at this for a little while now and finally got up nerve to try it. Seems carbonated when poured but builds no head at all. Visually mysterious with its intriguing label art and dark translucent reddish brown color. The aromas are quite beyond anything I've ever encountered. Exciting to say the least. You can tell its a sour, and pick out the lavender and hibiscus, but they work together and create a harmony that acts like something else altogether. It comes across to me as lime soda, black currant wine, and raspberry chocolate. Once tasting has begun, there is absolutely no question that this is not a sour. Pulling the cheeks in and puckering the mouth it actually intensifies and begins to dry out. The lavender and hibiscus make for a lovely floral, slightly herbal experience. Elegant and unusual this is a very enjoyable beer.

Post author: Mikko G
Mikko G
7 years ago

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Liquor Plus
7 years ago
It's been a little while, but I've recovered from Christmas and New Year now so back at it. This one starts off with a slightly hazy copper colour and a nice loosely packed 1 1/2 finger head that sadly just faded out quickly. The aromas it offer up are making me a little bit nervous. The first thing I pick up is an odd sour apricot note. More like wine or champagne than sour. Next i think I'm getting some rich caramel malt with a bit of dried fruit. And finally some very nice bread notes to round it up. Mouthfeel is amazingly silky and soft. I believe it is from some sweetness that is present and a distinct lack of carbonation. Forward tastes are an array of breads and well placed dried fruits. There are some delightful yeast things going on such as an ethereal hint of banana. Also included for your drinking pleasure is a conspicuous boozy taste which seems to have no basis as it only comes in at 6%abv. This really is an oddity to me. As it warms, it seems to release more carbonation and gather texture from that. Almost but not quite building another foam layer. The boozyness also bolsters its strength as do the dried fruit and yeast esters. It appears to become sweeter. I really want to like it but those estery bits keep getting stronger. I'm gonna let it sit a while and see what happens.... ...well after a rest, the yeast esters become predominant but also gain that nice yeast spiciness. All in all an interesting drink.

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Liquor Plus
7 years ago
Win some, lose some, occasionally find a hidden gem. It really comes across as almost a Belgian ale, but hopped. Sweet hefty malts with caramel, toffee and mild biscuit notes doesn't try very hard to hide an oddly impressive boozyness. It has some minor yeast notes. It is well hopped being almost all bittering hops tastes. It's very nice. Like an extra malty traditional IPA.