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Parallel 49 Brewing Company
292 ratings
Parallel 49 Brewing Company

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Post author: Samih
4 months ago
Samea, greippinen, mandariininen, viljainen ja karvas.

Post author: Samih
4 months ago
Samea, hedelmäinen ja viljainen. Mangoinen, greippinen ja appelsiinininen.

Post author: Jiimies
@ My Wonderful World of Beers
5 months ago
Vancouverin vika tuliainen, joka oli reissun siisteimmän mestan tuotoksia. Käytiin Seattlelaisen kaverin kanssa tässä paikassa istumassa iltaa ja iski kullä isosti! Tumma meripihkainen ja sameahko väri. Tuoksussa pääasiassa toffeeta. Pehmeä kärki, päälle mukavan pehmeä hapokkuus. Paksu mallasrunko on makea ja aavistuksen paahtuneen sokerinen. Loppumausta toffee iskee päälle luoden jälkimaulle raamit. Ihan kova kyllä! Great scott!!!

Post author: ShandyShawty
@ Famoso
7 months ago
Some bitterness to it for sure

Post author: ShandyShawty
@ Famoso
7 months ago
This beer appears a clear, medium golden amber colour, with one skinny finger of soapy, foamy, and wispy dirty white head, which leaves a few swaths of approaching headland lace around the glass as it quickly evaporates. It smells of grainy and bready pale malt, some subtle overripe apple and pear fruitiness, lager yeast, and weak earthy and leafy noble hops. The taste is gritty pale malt, a touch of caramel, muddled pome fruit, malingering yeast, and more plain leafy, earthy, and weedy hoppiness. The carbonation is softly rendered, via its understated frothiness, the body a decent middleweight, and mostly smooth, with a wee creaminess setting in as things warm up a tad. It finishes off-dry, and generically grainy.