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Granville Island Brewing (Molson Coors)
205 notes
Granville Island Brewing (Molson Coors)
Vancouver, Canada

We are one of Canada’s original microbreweries founded in 1984. Quality and authentic beer styles have always been at the core of the Granville Island Brewing philosophy. While native to Vancouver, our following spans across Canada. Consumers can drink our beer in almost every province. Good times and good beer should know no boundary. We are proud of our craft and want everyone to enjoy our beer as much as we do.

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Post author: Woody
@ Rosscos wing house
9 months ago
Does exactly what it says on the tin, a juicy IPA, not a bad beer at all.

Post author: Jocelyn D
Jocelyn D
1 year ago
Nez caramel, broue généreuse et constante, couleur orange brûler foncé limpide, goût caramel légèrement sucré.