Pikkulanperän Panimo
10 ratings
Pikkulanperän Panimo

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Post author: Esa J
Esa J
7 years ago
0,33l bottle from beer tulip. Amber with red tint. No foam. Dry blueberry smell, reminds me of wine. Very, very dry. Bitter first feeling. Grassy. Blueberry taste is present, but not dominant. Hops come forward as the beer warms up. Lemon, grass and pine. Still very dry. After 8 months in a bottle, this beer is starting to be at the end of the road. I still have two bottles left, they need to be drank pretty soon.

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
8 years ago
0,33l bottle from pint. Red with purple tint. No foam, small dregs floating. Powerful berry aroma, mostly blueberries. Strong blueberry taste followed by dry bitterness. Hops are not really present, even though they should. It's like a combination of beer and wine.

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
8 years ago
0,33l bottle from beer tulip. Hazy, dark red, Oxblood. Thin pink foam. Grassy and yeasty smell. Thick winelike first sip. Followed by strong grassy and citrussy hops. Fresh. Low carbonation. It's like a combination of red wine and IPA. Very interesting, and quite good!

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
8 years ago
0,5l bottle from IPA glass. Dark amber, almost brown, clear. Thick light brown foam. Grassy hoppy smell with dark malts. This has been in a bottle for 10 months. Strong grassy, citrus, grapefruit and mandarin taste. High carbonation. Bitter long lasting taste. Slight note of raisin. Surprisingly good still. The last bottle. RIP Esapa, my firstborn.

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
9 years ago
0,5l bottle from pint. Deep amber, a bit hazy (did not pour yeast intentionally). Thin white foam. Yeasty and wheaty smell. Fresh, high carbonation. Yeast and some wheaty malts. A tiny tad of melon. (Where has the banana gone?) Very drinkable, perfect for summer!

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
9 years ago
0,5l bottle from hefeweizen glass. Amber, hazy. Thin white foam. Fresh banana and yeast smell. Medium to high carbonation. Strong yeast and banana taste, no sight of melon. Very easy and a bit generic hefeweizen that really isn't a hefeweizen. Still, it's good.

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
9 years ago
0,33l bottle from pint. 5 weeks in a bottle, getting better!

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
9 years ago
0,5l bottle from IPA-glass. Dark amber, almost brown, hazy. Long lasting light brown foam. Hoppy citrus aroma, notes of grapefruit and grass. High carbonation. Lots of grass and citrus. Bitter. Just a tiny taste of yeast. Could use a bit more freshness. All in all I'm very pleased with this one, considering this is my first homebrew. Cheers!