2 ratings
Langhorne Brewing Co
United States
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Mr X
@ The Loft at the Iron Abbey4 years ago
Has a wheat taste to it but has a strange aftertaste. Aftertaste is berry like but kind of artificial. It did grow on me a little as I finished up. The after taste seemed to subside somewhat.
Not horrible but not worthy of seeking
Mr X
4 years ago
Happy Friday. With a name like Sip Vicious I just had to buy. It’s a local from near where I grew up.
It’s actually quite malty at first, as it looks, that is unsweetened toasted caramel. That fades quickly with a nice hop profile kicking in that is earthy, has a hint of citrus and has a berry-ish taste that is very subtle. A nice hoppy IPA that is kind of east coast style but slightly more on the hoppy side