De Brouwkamer
19 ratings
De Brouwkamer

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Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hoptimaal
6 months ago
One for the weekend. A Tripel, of course. Colors clear gold. The carbonation is standard as we can witness a pure white, airy head that finds itself at one finger's yardstick. Long retention and a relatively cute lacing on the surface. Medium-sweet malt, biscuit and dough. Standard supply. Belgian yeast doesn't want to go hiding. The flavors contain light-sweet malt, wheat biscuit, pine needle, Belgian yeast, orange peel, coriander seed and a floral note. An intriguing, yet predictable cocktail. The body is medium-full. Finishes with a similar medley to upfront. The mouthfeel is medium-full, moderately Belgiany, smooth, distantly herbal and marginally floral. A reasonably tasty Tripel although nothing astronomical. Does the job anyway.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hoptimaal
6 months ago
Lunch accompaniment. This time not a Tripel but a Dubbel 😅  Hued dark chestnut brown, probably murky, can't tell though. The carbonation behaves decently and gives birth to a latte-hued head that falls short of one finger. The foamy cap shrinks soon to a neat lace ring and a fragile haze on the top. Otherwise, the glass is left clean. The malty package gives a bit of dark syrup, molasses, cola and dark chocolate notes. Faint purple plum and orange peel join the stage soon thereafter. As the scent is, generally speaking, rather subdued, the taste profile opens up the flavors to be enjoyed. I'm picking dark malt, molasses, dark chocolate, cacao nibs, syrup, a coffeeish whizz, orange peel and plum peel. Later, I spot distant blackcurrant, as well. The body is medium-full. The beer finishes just like it started. Watch your steps, it's Royal Dark; there is fear behind your back; help me out or let me in; watch the aftertaste die for someone's sin. The mouthfeel is medium-full, mellow, a tad intense and surprisingly balanced. Not enormously demanding and, probably therefore, an easy piece.

Post author: Pete_78
@ Hoptimaal
7 months ago
Ei sytyttänyt.. Mut syksy tulloo siispä sytytin mä tuikkuset 😃

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hoptimaal
8 months ago
Semihazy, amber beer with bold carbonation serves a tall, fluffy, cloud-white head that shoots up to three fingers. The foamy stack descends gradually to a thin lacing and a gorgeously billowy, melting ring in the sides. Soft wheat in the air, accompanied by a herbal twist as if whitepepper. Furthermore, a seductive floral meadowy nuance hovers in the air. Wheat constitutes the bulk of the maltbase. The malty sphere also contains a bit of bready malt, not sure if it's wheat or barley. Both floral and yeasty notes linger in the limelight. The body is light. The end shifts slightly bitter and grassy, otherwise remaining as a pretty familiar package. Drink me, make me feel real; wet your beak in the stream; game we're playing is a saisonnette; the aftertaste is a two way dream. The mouthfeel is light, relatively fresh, herbal, marginally floral, effervescent as well as modestly tangy.

Post author: Anneli P
Anneli P
10 months ago

Post author: Sir Guru Kabu
Sir Guru Kabu
@ Hoptimaal
10 months ago
Pehmeän maukasta. Hedelmäinen ja samalla maltainen, mausteinen ja hiivainen. Kuivaa katkeroisuuttakin löytyy.

Post author: Lennu 82
Lennu 82
@ Hoptimaal
10 months ago

Post author: oipaT
@ Melger's Wijn en Dranken
1 year ago
Messinkinen korkki. Punaruskeassa etiketissä kultaisin kuvioin tyylitelty panimo laitteineen ja taivaanrantoineen. Hiekanvärinen vaahto, lähes musta juoma. Hennosti hapokkuutta. Paahteisuus ponnahtaa heti lakritsisuuteen. Pari pientä ripausta sokuria. 3,25€+1,00€.

Post author: Kepappi
@ Hoptimaal
2 years ago
4+6.5+6.5+3.5+13=33.5 33.5/50=3.4⭐️ 7.5%

Post author: Sir Guru Kabu
Sir Guru Kabu
@ Hoptimaal
2 years ago
Tumman ruskeaa kotikaljan näköistä nestettä. Maku on voimakkaan maltainen, hieman paahteinen, semi-makea, loppu lievästi katkeroinen ja hieman hiivainen. Suutuntuma kotikaljamainen/sahtimainen. Ihan mukava vaihteeksi tämän tyyppistä tummaa hörppiä. Pullossa prosentit 7,5, mutta tänne on joku intoillut 8%.