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Elder Pine
11 ratings
Elder Pine
United States

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Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ The Loft at the Iron Abbey
3 years ago
Going to the dark side tonight. Has a char taste with some light bitter dark chocolate. Has a light oak / wood taste to it.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse
3 years ago
I expected a red beer based on the name. Has a piney/evergreen taste mainly with some lemon. Has some light bready malt. Very light floral hops. It’s actually quite tasty and different.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse
4 years ago
Has a sweet malty taste that leans towards dark fruit, raisin and plum mainly, with some hints of brown sugar. Has a light oak wood taste. A very nicely done doppelbock. The woody taste really makes this beer. The wood taste is light but just compliments everything nicely. My second beer aged in Foeder wood lately. I think the other was a stout.

Post author: Tristan D
Tristan D
4 years ago
Je me suis réveillé au pays des étoiles ✨

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
4 years ago
Pretty damn disgusting. Has the pineapple & guava taste as listed on the can. It just doesn’t mesh well with the farmhouse style taste. I think the guava especially is the problem here. At least it’s football season

Post author: Tolski
4 years ago
Olut vaahtoaa noin 3-4 sentin verran. Vaahto hälvenee suht nopeasti. Väri on samean oranssi, lähes mangomehumainen. Tuoksussa on ananasta, mangoa ja ennen kaikkea kirpeää raikkautta. Maku on polttavan upea! Humalaa on kyllä piisaksi asti. Mangoa löytyy ja juuri kirpeää sitrusta. Kaiken ylipuraisevan humalan keskeltä tulee hieno makujen tasapainoisuus, mikä muuttuu lopussa hieman happamaksi. En olekaan näin humalaista olutta juonut vuosiin. Tämä kyllä varmaan kestäisi muinais aikojen laivaliikennettä mantereelta toiselle pilaantumatta 😄🍻

Post author: Laurent_AnotherDay
5 years ago
Une Fruited Sour Ale collab' avec le groupe métal-core 🤘 brassée avec des framboises et fruits de la passion. C'est trouble, au nez quelques notes acidulée. En bouche ce n'est pas trop acide. On sent bien par contre les framboise, fruits rouges... Je dirais presque qu'il y a du jus de tomate ! Pas'mon style préféré mais très bien fait !