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Wildflower Brewing and Blending
20 notes
Wildflower Brewing and Blending

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Post author: Cedric C
Cedric C
2 years ago
🇦🇺🇦🇺 une sour fruitée et acide comme il se doit. Belle découverte cette brasserie

Post author: Cedric C
Cedric C
2 years ago
🇦🇺🇦🇺 j'ai découvert ce style il y a peu et il me plaît bien. Une bière légère en goût mais agréable à boire.

Post author: Cedric C
Cedric C
2 years ago
🇦🇺🇦🇺 un acide bien iodée. Facile et agréable à boire.

Post author: Cedric C
Cedric C
2 years ago
🇦🇺🇦🇺 une acide qui fait presque penser à un cidre, assez fruitée et bien acide

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Carriageworks Night Market 2019
6 years ago
Australian wild-yeast brew in a plastic cup. 🙄 The beer is turbid, deep gold. The restrained carbonation unleashes a snow-white, soft fluffy head that builds itself up to one finger and settles gradually down to a patchy, moldy layer on the surface. The fragrance is truly mild: lemon peel and champagne yeast. The palate is significantly sour and interestingly Belgiany: wild yeast flora and lactobacillus feature strongly on the tongue. Dry white wine, hefty passionfruit and lemon pulp, accompanied by a tad lemon peel and a bit of raw gooseberry pump up the tartness of the gustatory supply. This is really awesome, like a good Lambic but with a fruitier twist! The body is medium. The beer ends with colossally sour passionfruit, lemon zest, raw gooseberry and dry white wine. Wild yeasts and lactobacillus turn the thumb screw even tighter: tartness almost hurts! The aftertaste puckers the taste receptors for considerably long. The mouthfeel is extraordinarily tart and and really puckering. It's also pervertedly juicy, relatively Belgiany and quite funky. Furthermore, it's nicely mature, really dry and rather mouth-drying. Unexpectedly interesting, big beer! A big wow!