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Brasserie Lefebvre
11419 ratings
Brasserie Lefebvre
Rebecq, Belgium

The Brasserie Lefebvre (Lefebvre Brewery) is present on the Belgian and foreign markets. It offers a rich assortment of products, various flavours and packaging all with the aim of optimum customer satisfaction. It has been an independent, family-run brewery since 1876. The fifth and sixth generations head up an inheritance which is constantly being adjusted to ensure that technology is in the service of tradition. Member of the Belgian Family Brewers.

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Post author: Chrismelle
3 days ago
Trop sucrée pour moi

Post author: Chrismelle
3 days ago
Très bonne bière, bien équilibrée. Beaucoup de saveurs

Post author: Sullyvan C
Sullyvan C
@ Montreal, Canada
3 days ago
Plutôt forte

Post author: Oey B
Oey B
4 days ago
Raspberry flavour!! Slight kiddibul taste, but amaAaazing!