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7 ratings

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Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Beerdome
5 years ago
Age in two barrels if I'm right but no idea in which kind of barrels🤷‍♂️ Bottled on 6/2018 (Reserva 2018) Temperature: +15 C Dark brown with reddish hues. Opaque. Little head that shrinks fast and seems to live at the surface. The foam is in a weird circular motion, from carbonation bubbles reaching the surface: 3/5 Aromas of whisky, and red wine/port wine it seems. So at least whisky barrel is evident. I'm guessing port wine is the second one... Plums and raisins also with even a slightly salty touch. Not much malt and no hops at all! This should be American style BW: 3,25/5 Mouthfeel is medium-full with a pleasant alcohol feel that stays in a mouth for a long time. This would be awesome to have during winter. The beer has a decent amount of depth. Pretty good: 4/5 Taste is mostly a mixture of whisky-like alcohol and oak with some malty flavor. Again, slightly salted flavor with darker fruits... Doesn't really feel like a Barleywine. More like just some kind of Strong Ale or even an Old Ale: 9/15 Not good, not bad. Good Strong Ale but lacks the complexity of a fine Barleywine. Aging is well done I must say. Some of those wine/fruity like vibes could be here because of the age of the beer. Ok beer. This didn't cost so much and is definitely worthy of the money: 14,25/20 =33,5/50

Post author: Mika A
Mika A
@ De Bierliefhebber
5 years ago
Tumman ruskeaa, lähes vaahdoton. Tuoksu hivenen humalainen, salmiakkinen ja yrttisen lääkemäinen. Maku on hyvä, maltillista makeaa maltaisuutta ja hienoa salmiakkisuutta. Muistuttaa hyvin paljon apteekkarin salmiakkia. Loppu maussa tynnyröinti pääsee esiin, taitaa olla rommitynnyri, pienestä alkoholin korvennuksesta päätellen. Ei mikään huippu mutta ei huonokaan. Ihan jeba.

Post author: Pegaso
@ El Tirador. Toledo
6 years ago