16 ratings
Trumer Brewery Berkeley
United States
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Mikko P
@ Suuret Oluet Pienet Panimot 2020 Helsinki4 years ago
En osta toiste.
@ Lapats Thai Noodles Bar5 years ago
Transparent, gold beer with regular, hasty carbonation releases a white, whipped-creamy head that bursts bubble by bubble sluggishly down. The withdrawing foam leaves thick coverings all over the glass.
The scent displays mere moderate pale malt, otherwise the fragrance is just numb. The beer's chilly temperature may also have something to do with it.
The taste portrays slightly sweet pale malt and significantly restrained hops. I can't detect anything else.
The body is thin but not skinny. The beer finishes with rather quickly with faintly bitter pale malt and subdued hops again.
The mouthfeel is thin, standard bulky, very light-crisp. Rubbish beer but beats Coors Light and Michelob Ultra.