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@ Brauerei Polsterbräu7 years ago
Absolutely great Hoppy Lad session with my Rebel Friend 🤘🏻😎🍺 Last night I opened my second 5liter Cask of magnificent German marzen beer! It's one of the best German Class beer... so so so delicious! We did couple photos with PintPlease t- shirts will be post on page soon 😜
P.s. Check my review before

Janus N
7 years ago
Super Geschmack! Hopfig, frisch, malzig und sehr süffig zugleich, mit einem super fruchtig-herben Finisch.

@ Brauerei Polsterbräu7 years ago
⭐️⭐️⭐️ STUNNING ⭐️⭐️⭐️
A month ago I received a parcel from BeerBiz Ltd. company with special edition of German beer. In the short explain two geniuses Janus Nowak and Stanisław Stan Suchy ( the owners of BeerBiz ) reactivated amazing German brewery with traditional unique recipes. The name of brewery is Brauerei Polsterbräu ( since 1858 ) and their location is in Nankendorff. It's lovely area and nice architectural building with strong tradition and spirit. At the beginning of February 2018 first batch of UR MÄRZEN ( special edition beer ) was brewed and distributed to the many hundreds investors.
I got UR-MARZEN beer in the 5 liters keg. It's unfiltered martzenbeer, lager type, traditionally served at Oktoberfest. Lovely small yellow barrel with really nice logo of BeerBiz company. This beer was form of "thanks" from creators to all iNVESTORS and even "Brewdog Brewery" they did not propose out with such an idea. I love the fact that on the keg is word "Thank You" in three different languages, very polite 🤗 TASTING TIME! I opened a beer on the day of my daughter's birthday. I had quite big party for her 1st birthday, so that was good moment to serving a beer to our guests.
I poured the first glass and when I finished... wow 🤘🏻😵🍺!
* Appearance: Lovely clear amber colour with unbelievable creamy thick head ( 3 fingers ). Fine carbonation that floated just below the texture of the beautiful foam. Lovely view 😬
* Aroma: Strong malty but in the really good level with green apple and small kick from grain. I smelled a slight note of alcohol as well 😉
* Taste: Time for first sip and...knockout!!! Absolutely magnificent flavour. In my opinion one of the best German beer which I ever had! Sweet malty taste with kick of apple and burnt sugar. Lightly notes of vanilla on the background and perfect bitterness just in the right way. Every single sip was just absolutely delicious! The secret of this great flavour, especially "malty taste" comes from clever combination of three kind of malts : Munich + Pilsner + Melanoidin! The most important ( in my opinion ) is Melanoidin malts ( also called Turbo Munich ) was developed to give homebrewers a way to get these big malty flavor compounds into beer without having to mash German malts witch is mean to get the flavors without the hassle. Munich malts emphasizing German beer artistry and Pilsner malts which gives to beer a beautiful character of strong hop flavor, spicy floral flavors and crisp refreshing flavor. In the same time the big important comes from two hops which is been used. First "Magnum" and generally, the aroma is not too distinct as the primary purpose of the Magnum is its strong bittering properties which is been add in the right balance. Second "Perle" the most popular aroma hop in Germany. I think that was very important move for this beer becouse specific of Perle hops is aroma include herbal and spicy with delicate floral, fruit and mint tones. You can feel it on the background especially herbal notes.
* Mouthfeel: Very rich body. I dare to say that it is "full" with lovely balanced carbonation. Aftertaste - slightly bitter and sweet.
* Overall: This is fantastic example of German beer with high level of experience. Without a doubt I can drink this beer again and over again. Knocked me out after first SIP. It's absolutely flagship beer of Polsterbräu Brewery.
Big applause for You Guys 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!