Little Wolf
30 ratings
Little Wolf
South Africa

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Post author: Miggins
6 years ago
Crisp, fresh, tangerine and mandarin flavours, a really nice refreshing wheat beer.

Post author: Stuart A
Stuart A
@ Beer52
7 years ago
Hazy golden colour Weissbeers, large head, wheaty friity aroma. First taste, refreshing crispness with a sweet and fruity taste, some slight bitterness.

Post author: James A
James A
7 years ago
Pours a little cloudy. Hoppy and slightly bready flavour. Sweet citrus to cap it off.

Post author: James A
James A
7 years ago
A contrast of wheat beers today. It’s not a bad beer but it’s just not quite my cup of tea. I like the hoppy flavours and it’s got some nice fruity aromas, but it’s just slightly too acidic and flowery for me.

Post author: Stuart A
Stuart A
7 years ago
A light hoppy almost wheat beer, fruity citrus aroma with a sweet taste of mangoes and maybe pineapple. A bit sweet for me with no real body to it!

Post author: Attackhammer
7 years ago
Lovely and mango!

Post author: Jason H
Jason H
7 years ago
Absolutely beautiful branding. One of the best I’ve seen and extremely unique. This is more like it South Africa, perfectly refreshing but with much more taste this time. If you were to filter ocean water and chuck a tonne of beautiful hops in, I reckon this is what it would taste like. Really can’t find a fault in this, bursting with flavour and I could drink this over and over.

Post author: JulianJones
7 years ago
Light , slightly cloudy and medium fizz (good) Fruity, pine arona and taste. Very smooth and light