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Rodinný Pivovar Svatý Florian
49 notes
Rodinný Pivovar Svatý Florian
Czech Republic

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Post author: AtomicDucks
@ Spa Hotel St. Moritz
2 months ago
500ml brown glass; pours a hazy light brown, off white head; on the nose malt forward, smoky, rich roasted notes; on the palate malt forward, smoke and ash, notes of roasted barley; light bodied, long finish, lingering smoky aftertaste

Post author: AtomicDucks
@ Spa Hotel St. Moritz
2 months ago
500ml brown glass; pours a dark hazy brown, off white tan head, lacing present; on the nose malt forward, bitter chocolate, roasty coffee and faint smoky notes; on the palate clean and refreshing, dark bread crust,dark chocolate and roasted coffee; light bodied, long finish, lingering dark chocolate aftertaste

Post author: AtomicDucks
@ Spa Hotel St. Moritz
2 months ago
500ml brown glass; pours a bright medium amber to light brown, soft white head, lacing present; on the nose malt forward, notes of almonds / marzipan, some warm bread crust; on the palate clean and refreshing, malty and bready, refreshingly bitter, some warming notes of almonds; light bodied, medium finish, lingering almond bready finish

Post author: DaMie
@ Daniel's Castle
2 months ago
Naturtrübes Bier aus einer kleinen Privatbrauerei in CZ… Durch die Hefe leicht süßlich und gut süffig, kalt genießen 👍🍺

Post author: Jmal
1 year ago
Not rating this one…it was not closed well

Post author: Martin "Vacky" Z
Martin "Vacky" Z
1 year ago
Tmavý ležák z Lokte. Dobře vyvážené černé pivko s lehkým nádechem zauzení. Dobře pitelné s těžkým hutným tělem a silnou chutí. Hodnocení: 3,5 / 5

Post author: Jmal
2 years ago
Very nice beer..soft caramel notes with a slightly hoppy finish. Herbal notes in the background

Post author: Mjs
@ Rodinný Pivovar Svatý Florian Loket
2 years ago

Post author: Strudely
@ Rodinný Pivovar Svatý Florian Loket
5 years ago