12 ratings
Small Block Brewing co.
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I Like My Beers
3 years ago

@ Small Block Brewing co.6 years ago
Made with local craft rye bread in an effort to reduce food waste, this ipa pours a nice copper orange. It has a nice tight frothy head but seems to dissipate unless encouraged.
Deep rich aromas of spicy rye, caramel, and some floral hops. Slightly bready and also very reminiscent of Belgian beers. Sweet and spicy.
The plate is exactly as the nose suggests. Sweet and spicy with just enough bitterness to let it shine. Almost Belgian tasting. So damn good.

@ Small Block Brewing co.7 years ago
OH MY....
using their Malardhat Best Bitter as a base, and letting it rest on roasted pecans in a limited release 20L cask, this beer is simply phenomenal. The pecan comes through in the front and rides all the way through into the after taste. It is just right. Not too much but not just a hint either. It blends deliciously with the caramel maltiness and what mild bitterness there is helps to accentuate the flavors and keep them in check from becoming candy like. Amazing. I wish you all could try this.

@ Small Block Brewing co.7 years ago
I've had the same problem with this as I had with their bitter. Keep buying them and get too busy drinking them to review. This brewery makes simple beers but to perfection. So good.
Hazy enough, bruised orange color, and carbonated well for the style.
Beautiful aromas of orange, citrus, peach, minor grapefruit, and a wonderful creamy doughy kind of smell? Not doughy but something soft and oat maybe? The nose begs the mouth to have a go.
Well who am I to argue my senses.
Super soft smooth and creamy, it reveals light fruity tastes very much as in the smell. As the tongue basks in fruity goodness, a nice gentle piney bitterness takes over and finishes the sip. So good and so refreshing. The flavors are generous without becoming potent or aggressive. Light but not skimpy. Well done again folks. You've won my beer loving heart.

@ Small Block Brewing co.7 years ago
I've been meaning to do this review for a little while now, a good couple weeks anyway, but I'm always lost in the pleasure of drinking it to take the time and write about it. Yes, it's that good.
Now, as you may or may not know, or care, I love a good bitter. Round these parts it can be difficult to find.one let alone a good one. But Small Block Brewing has done nothing but excell at crafting high quality beers and this was not an anomaly.
Pouring a deep reddish brown this certainly is a showy brew. It is only very gently carbonated but that works well for this style adding a nice texture to the mouthfeel, but keeping the whole thing mostly creamy smooth.
The nose is treated to a rich, lovely, truely caramel malt aroma with just the faintest grassy herbal hops note.
The tongue is treated even better. Again that rich delightful very caramel malt, possible whispers of roasted nut and the slenderest whisp of light toast. But mostly sweet caramel. The hops used have bitters it to just noticeable and impart very little flavour.
The whole thing remains extremely quaffable with medium light, leaning more to the light body but keeps from being thin or insubstantial.
Honestly, I think this is one of my top favorite beers of all time. I don't like to assign number because I love a lot of beers, but damn this is good.

@ Small Block Brewing co.7 years ago
Another fine brew from the new local brewery.
Wonderfully golden clean clear beer. There is not too much to tell about this beer. It's not a complex beer rather just excellence of execution. Their whole gig is English ales but done very well.
The nose on this blonde is pale grainy malt with hints of the hips used to bitter it. On that note the hops are used very sparingly and just enough to keep it from being to sweet. The taste is also nicely malty and grainy. Mouth feel is slightly creamy soft and pleasing. It's difficult finding anything to tell other than damn fine blonde.

@ Small Block Brewing co.7 years ago
Another beer from my new favourite local brewery.
Delightful malt sporting a caramel grain, and promising spicy slightly fruity hops make up the aromas on the American style pale ale.
The flavours are very much the same. I really wish I could go on all poetic about this beer but it is simply a pale ale. However I can assure you it is a very good example of the style. Very good indeed.