Bad Dog Brewing Company
5 ratings
Bad Dog Brewing Company

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Post author: Deeandjosh
@ BC Liquor Stores
4 years ago
Strong pale ale which started off quite bitter. Finished with a very sweet passionfruit taste.

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Liquor Plus
6 years ago
I just got over a cold that had rendered me unable to enjoy the nuances of a fine brew and the aspects of such a drink that work upon the senses. So in honor of having restored use of my sensory organs, I give them Octodog Apocalypse. This stout contains squid ink, and as I've never had squid ink I dont know that I'll even be able to distinguish it. The darkness of this beer only gives way to a very faint red shimmer when put to the flashlight, otherwise it appears black. It develops a 1 finger brownish head that really lingers. The initial aromas are what I would expect from a sweet stout. Some chocolate, mild coffee, restrained roast barley, and something a little suggestive of soy sauce. The flavours are more aligned with a dry stout. The roast barley is more dominant but not to the point of overly bitter. The "something suggestive of soy sauce" remains present. I am getting very minor hints of coffee, and an herbal note I attribute to hops. A very gentle bitterness lingers on the tongue and roof of the mouth for a little while. It's a decent dry stout, but in my opinion I dont see a real point to adding the ink.

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Liquor Plus
7 years ago
They call this a dark ale, but it borders on a porter. Ruby brown color allows only faint hints of light through. A large brownish mousse like head tops the beer and slowly shrinks over time but always maintains a layer that leaves sticky lacing down the glass. A coffee and cocoa forward aroma built around a conservative use of roast barley. A light nuttiness rises out of the blending of these components. The body is enjoyably on the heavy side of medium and has a creaminess that is only chopped off by the hops used. The tongue enjoys much the same as experience as the nose. Wittle more chocolate comes into it and the nuttiness explored in greater depth. The coffee and coco remain the forward flavors. I enjoyed this one.

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Liquor Plus
7 years ago
A decent Ipa. Has aromas and flavors of citrus and grapefruit. There is a pine finish and aftertaste. A nice soft mouthfeel. I like it just fine.

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Cobblestone cold beer and wine
7 years ago
Very light coloured mild pale ale. Moderate and appropriate carbonation with a short lived head. Very mild fresh bread aroma with a tiny hint of bittering hops. This beer is very tame and is more grainy than the aroma. There is just enough bittering to balance it out and the aftertaste is slightly bready. This is a lot thinner than I prefer, but there is no denying the quality of it. It is good and easy. I'm rating based on that. Not very high on my personal tastes but a damn fine beer regardless.