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Birrificio Sorrento
8 notes
Birrificio Sorrento

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Post author: Kalmar
@ Fauno Bar
4 months ago
Amber ale kaunilla värillä. Paikallinen Sorrenton panimotuotos. 6 volttinen upean maukas. Ihana Italia🍺👍

Post author: Kalmar
@ Fauno Bar
4 months ago
Melko hapan mutta maukas. Paikallinen craft beer listalta. Pystyy juomaan tässä lämpötilassa Pizzan kylkeen🍺👍🔥 Italialaista Paikallista panimo-osaamista numeroituna pullona nro. 22323.

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
2 years ago
I picked this up in a shop in Sorrento but there is very little info in regards to the brewery etc. Pours well from the bottle and a large foamy white head rises to two fingers and stays for a little while before reducing to a consistent half finger. The body is amber though slightly orange with haze and the aroma is a nice combination of modest tropical notes, mango and peach, with yeast and cereal. Mouthfeel is very bubbly with foam but with only modest carbonation. After it goes down, there is a sudden liveliness in the mouth as the bubbles spike and tingle. Taste is an even balance of malts and hops. Barley, biscuit, mango, peach, lychee and citra, all hitting together at the same time. The flavours duke it out but none really come out on top at any time, so none get a chance to shine. Whether this is good is for the individual to decide. I dislike that it makes it hard to categorise the beer but I like that it's like nothing I've had before.

Post author: Fanny N
Fanny N
2 years ago
Sitruuna maistuu kyllä

Post author: Romanodeb59
7 years ago