47 ratings
Brouwerij EemBier / Eem Bier
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@ Hoptimaal27 days ago
Late check-in of Advent Calendar Beer #️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. Translucent, dark burgundy beer with restrained carbonation produces a velvety beige head that grows half a finger tall. Soon the surface witnesses a hair-thin lace ring only.
Syrup and sweet red malt emanate first to my nostrils. That's pretty much it, actually. I fail to spot any other elements in the air. And it doesn't give me confidence of what is to come.
The taste serves bitter syrup, dark caramel, cookie, raw cacao powder, piney hops and resin. Quite hoppy for a Bock. I'm looking for rich maltiness with toasty Maillard products but I'm getting a lofty hoppy taste profile which is not my favorite interpretation of this beerstyle.
The body rates light. Mmmm nah. The finish is dry hoppy, dark caramelly and bitter syrupy. Doesn't improve, no matter what.
The mouthfeel is light, tangy, smooth and lip-glueing. I've had better Bocks, way better. Not a winner.
Sir Guru Kabu
@ Hoptimaal1 year ago
Tumma, paahteinen, erittäin voimakkaan savuinen, lievästi chilinen ja hieman katkeroinen.
Makua ja makuvivahteita on paljon.
Nestemäistä chilitupakkaa.
Meksikolaisen tupakoitsijan aamupala.
Anneli P
2 years ago
Huikka teiniltä ja hyvää oli😁
Sir Guru Kabu
@ Hoptimaal2 years ago
Tyypillinen session.
Perushyvää juotavaa.
Sir Guru Kabu
@ Hoptimaal2 years ago
Tumman ruskeaa nestettä.
Makeaa paahteista mallasta. Pitkään maistuvat katkerot loppuun.
2 years ago
Fruitig, stevig en rokerig
Koffie, bacon, bbq en een hintje tropisch fruit. Bitter