975 notes
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Milton, United States
Dogfish Head started in June 1995 when Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats was established in the beach community of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Dogfish Head was the first brewpub of the state. The original plan to deliver great music, delicious food and fine beers to the community came to life when the first batch of Shelter Pale Ale beers were started. Soon, Dogfish Head engaged in brewing 12 gallons of beer batches to supply the restaurant’s need. Dogfish Head brewery quickly achieved popularity beyond the state and reaches to nearby areas like Philadelphia and Washington D.C. By 2000, Dogfish Head is selling over 20 types of beers in 30 states.
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@ Ray's Cave7 days ago
Texas family here for the holidays. No Duo tonight. Beer shares are better.
Hazy light yellow color. Intense citrus aroma, lime and the blue agave with only a touch of grapefruit. Flavor is modest for an imperial. Sharp agave dominates, lime and grapefruit combination are complimentary. I don't feel that the flavors blend well. Turns a pungent sour on the finish. Not for me.
When In Rome
1 month ago
Two finger white head that took a minute to settle. Nose was faint peach and taste was same. Not bad, not great.
When In Rome
2 months ago
Cracked it open and even before pouring it, I thought I had opened an IPA based on the aroma. The pour brought forth a small head that faded quickly. Quite carbonated based on the bubbles. On the buds...alright, I can like this. But wait!, the finish...point drop. Overall, would have been a 3.5 star except the finish left a slight funky taste.
@ La Cervoiserie Castres2 months ago
Quand le verre était plein elle était bonne
Steve M
@ Eataly2 months ago
Légère amertume, un brin floral, en bref une belle bière IPA