66 arviota
Champion Brewing Company
Charlottesville, United States
Onko tämä sinun panimo?
Rekisteröi panimosi ilmaiseksi ja hallitse panimosi tietoja Pint Pleasessa.
Rekisteröi panimoArviot
Craig M
@ Louie Browns, Dalgety Bay4 years ago
Paul L
5 years ago
Not for me this one. I didn’t like the smell or the taste of drinking it.
But the after taste weirdly didn’t seem all that bad.
Frank B
@ Beer525 years ago
The 6th beer from this month's Beer 52 Virginia box. It pours a crystal clear golden colour with a white head. Aroma is almost pepper-like. Flavour is citrussy and floral. A good American beer.
Frank B
@ Beer525 years ago
The 4th beer from this month's Beer 52 Virginia box. It pours a clear golden colour with a white head. Aroma is of citrussy. Flavour is citrussy with a herbiness.