8 ratings
Salt Spring Island Ales
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@ Liquor Plus7 years ago
I worked today slinging beer at a local community market. It got me to wanting one after watching all those people get to sample my favorite libation. I know it's not as if I normally need an excuse and I was going to have this anyway way but it sounds better in my head if there is a reason.
It looks appealing in the glass showing off a lightly translucent copper brown not a lot of carbonation to build a head but making a thin layer regardless.
The aromas have me a little concerned as I dont like a very hoppy ESB. There is a distinctly floral sort of fresh hops scent with just a hint of caramel malt behind it. The taste is not bad. Definitely varies more.hops than I prefer but to be fair they didn't consult me on it so...
The malt flavors are quite nice, being formed from mostly light caramel and a glimpse of light biscuit. I find this to be pleasant and well built if not "the way I like 'em."

8 years ago
Big and bitter roasted malt and caramel forward flavour. Surprisingly dry. Refreshing if a wee bitter.