3 ratings
DICO s.p.A.
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2 years ago
Relativ süßes Ale im Antrunk, das dann zu einer irritierend säuerlichen Stachelbeere wechselt. Bleibt insgesamt recht harmlos bei schlankem Hopfenkörper. Bei heißen Temperaturen, so die Brauerempfehlung, bei circa 4-5 Grad Celsius zu genießen. Dann erfrischt es okay.
@ Tuodì Market, Via Liberiana8 years ago
Pours cloudy, pale yellow beer that bears a thick, two-finger, white, soapy head of fairly long duration. Scent is medium fruity with citrus, and somewhat yeasty.
Tastes hoppy and fruity with some grapefruit and faint lime. Medium body. Ends with standard grapefruity IPA finish with a bit yeasty and softer tone. Mouthfeel is tart, slightly dry, relatively manageable and a bit tropical.