25 ratings
Macaloney's Victoria Caledonian Brewery & Distillery
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Partridge P
7 months ago

6 years ago

@ Liquor Plus6 years ago
Just a quick one today. This sour displays an odd golden peach color with possibly in tiny drop of red to tint it. Good carbonation but no head at least in the glass I used. The aromas are strange to me. Dry cider, mild fruitiness suggesting.plum and cherry but not obvious and bread yeast but in a subtle not offensive way. Flavours are tart cheap rose wine, bread, and a mild suggestion of cherry. It's odd, it seems like something I shouldn't like but I do. It reminds me of my early days of drinking, experimenting with all sorts of odd wine coolers and ciders. It makes me feel nostalgic slightly. I'd have this again but can't call it amazing.

Beer Hunter
6 years ago

@ Beverly Corners7 years ago
Made with pale malt and topped with azacca.
A hazy bruised apricot color, this beer harbours aromas of fermented apricot, juniper, floral notes, allegations of citrus, and a shadow of grainy pale malt hiding under a frothy white head that eventually settles to a respectable thin layer.
When unleashed onto the tongue, and hidden in a substantial sweetness are orange blossom, kumquat, lychee, and overripe tropical fruit. Not very bitter at all but with a fairly hot alcohol flavour. It's not unpleasant but I probabaly would pass on this purchase a second time. It tastes thick and leaves a bit of coating on the palate. Again not unpleasant but lost between refreshing and milkshake IPA.

7 years ago