11 ratings
Fish Brewing Company
United States
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@ Dos Robles3 years ago
Mr X
7 years ago
I think I got a mislabeled beer. My bud said this was a hoppy IPA type beer that was a light amber. Well mine is super dark like a brown ale. I googled it and looked at reviews. Hoppy seems to be the theme and a light golden amber or hazy amber color. Mine is like a brown ale. Caramel malt. Slightly nutty. Some hops to it but it is more on the sweet side. Nothing like my bud said. I think I got a brown ale labeled incorrectly. Does that pic show a light / hazy colored amber??? Not. I do need to add that it was a decent beer. What ever I did drink.
Mr X
7 years ago
I think I had this recently. Has a nutty caramel malt taste. A little sweet
Mr X
7 years ago
Has a caramel nutty malt taste that finishes up with a slight hops taste
Mr X
8 years ago
Happy Friday. Has a minor hop taste. Overall a little weak on flavor
Mr X
8 years ago
Has a caramel malt with a bitter citrus hop taste. Doesn't quite mesh together. Pours a medium orangey color