2 ratings
Hurst Brewery
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@ The Watchmakers Arms5 years ago
Nice, steady, if a bit inoffensive beer. Maybe I've been drinking too many stouts and IPA's, but the taste is almost a bit too simple for me.
But in the same way, that's what makes it so drinkable. Definitely a session ale.

8 years ago
This is a good beer. Triple hopped, malty, rich and with good flavour but if I'm really honest, nothing to shout out about. Personally, although it's triple hopped it's not quite flavoursome enough for me and it lacks any real punch. But for some (my dad) it's a very well rounded beer. Good colours, unfiltered and with natural yeast this is not a bad beer at any stretch...I think I'm confused about this beer so will buy another bottle sometime, maybe on a winters day by the fire. All in all for a small brewery not a bad job!