18 ratings
Sprecher Brewing Company
Glendale, United States
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When In Rome
@ Sure Shot Tap House3 years ago
Wow. Strong bourbon on the nose. Deep dark color. It took me a few sips to fully appreciate what I was tasting. The bourbon comes thru quickly with a dark fruit a split second behind. This is a sipper not a pounder. Very favorful. Not a go to for me...more one I'd have to be in the mood for. Sir Dubby, I'd love to read your review of this one.
3 years ago
Good ole Sprecher beer from Milwaukee. I love the amber ale the most but this one is quite good
Mr X
6 years ago
GFC 20 - I will say I had a pretty decent amount of beer stashed aside this time. Working out well as I still have some signs to get to. I'm wondering what will run out first.
Here is the next round:
This side doesn't have as many bunched around as I do have things hanging around as a garage should. Above all these signs is a 34 foot extension ladder I may end up putting signs behind the ladder at some point
Mr X
7 years ago
I have to start that I'm not the biggest Belgium style fan. This one is pretty good tho. Has banana & clove to go with your normal Belgium taste. This is one that I would drink
Mr X
7 years ago
Happy Friday. Has a sweet roasted malt taste with a hint of chocolate. For a winter lager it doesn't have any winter type spices to it. It does list it as a Munich style dunkel on the bottle.
Adam V
7 years ago