12 ratings
Potosi Brewing Company
Potosi, United States
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@ 3rd St. Market Hall1 year ago
@ Mentone4 years ago
This is a rare and limited edition Wisconsin beer brought to me by a friend. Looking forward to giving this pilsner a try.
Pours with a medium high head, effervescence continues. Clear and a darker yellow than most pilsners. Clean and light texture. A little weak on flavor. Very faint finish but nothing that keeps it from being an enjoyable brew. Very drinkable but not remarkable.
Jani S
@ The Craft Beer Club4 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
I'm not usually a porter guy but this is maybe the best damn porter I've had. Super flavorful, full tasting porter that finishes smooth and light without the lingering coffee breath feeling. Beautiful, shiny beer in the glass.
Matt P
6 years ago
I enjoyed this much more this time around than a couple months ago when i first tried it. Came from same pack so maybe the extra age helped. Huge coffee taste.
Matt P
7 years ago
Doesnt have the strongest scent of espresso on the nose but it is a very strong flavor. Strong roasted flavor and lingering aftertaste. Not the best ive had of this style by far but its pretty good. Very thin mouthfeel.