107 notes
Martin House Brewing Company
Fort Worth, United States
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Akseli M
8 days ago
En tiedä kuka vittu tän on keksinyt, mut hänet pitää passittaa vankilaan.
@ K-Supermarket Pekuri12 days ago
Hajussa tilliä ja suolakurkkua. Maku kuin suolakurkkulientä joisi. Hapan, suolainen, etikkamainen. Oli kyllä mitä lupasi. Saa jäädä kertakokeiluksi, ja tämän jälkeen unohdetaan. Suolakurkku on hyvää. Mutta pidetään se erossa oluesta.
Jesse M
@ Crafters22 days ago
Tasting 3. Tämä oli hanasta.
Siis jos tykkää nestemäisestä suolakurkkuliemestä vinegar sipsimaulla, niin mikä ettei.
@ Hophaus Kuopio25 days ago
Hailakan ja kellertävän rusehtavaa ja sameahkoa. Runsahko ja pienikuplainen vaahto.
Tuoksu todella runsaan etikkakurkkuinen, hapan, tillinen ja aavistuksen maltainen.
Maku todella runsaan etikkainen, suolakurkkuinen, tillinen, suolainen ja hentoisen maltainen.
Kuin olisi suoraan suolakurkkulientä juonut, jossa pieni maltaisuus taustalla.
Suutuntuma on keskitäyteläinen, kuiva ja hiilihappoinen.
En tämänkään kohdalla osaa sanoa onko kyseessä varsinaisesti olut, mutta ihan kiva kuriositeetti ja todella kakkospäivän aamun pelastaja.
@ Hophaus Kuopio30 days ago
In the aroma, there's peanut and graham crackers. Wow, that cracker scent is so nice in this.
The mouthfeel, however, is unfortunately thin. If it had a proper body, this would work incredibly well for me.
In the flavor, there's roastiness, vanilla, graham cracker, peanut, and chocolate.
If only it had a proper body. Otherwise, it's just to my taste.
Tuoksussa maapähkinää ja grahamkeksejä. Vitsi miten kiva tuo keksin tuoksu tässä.
Suutuntuma on sen sijaan valitettavan ohut, jos tähän olisi saatu kunnon runko toimisi tämä itselleni aivan älyttömän hyvin.
Maussa on paahteisuutta, vaniljaa, grahamkeksiä, maapähkinää ja suklaata.
Vitsi kun tässä olisi kunnon runko. Muuten niin minun makuuni.
@ Ray's Cave1 month ago
Another Martin House box set that Ryan gave me for our Duo. They actually make some pretty good sours.
Strong fruit aroma, I get the strawberry but not the blueberry. Really thick head and it's lasting a while. Flavor is definitely strawberry dominant. The cheesecake is there along with another fruit which I guess is the blueberry. There's even a hint of graham cracker. Also an added flavor is the oak whiskey barrel. As the finish arrives, the blueberry mildly sneaks in. All of these flavors are subtle and well balanced except for the strawberry which is definitely the alpha flavor. Again, Martin House doesn't make their sours incredibly powerful, much more of a sweet tartness. While Ryan and I were discussing these flavors it occurred to us that we detect no alcohol. What? This thing is 12%, yes 12%. Where is it? This is a dangerous little beer. 👹 And it's incredibly good.
@ Blackstone Pub & Eatery1 month ago
At Blackstone before the Christmas parade having a Texas beer in Alabama.
This is a Martin House Apple Pie Imperial stout. Almost no head by the time it got to me. Heavy texture. Flavor although probably artificial, it's pretty good. Apple pie definitely is the dominant flavor with heavy malt as the foundation. Thick texture goes along with a strong alcohol presence. It's good but so heavy that one of these is enough. I like it.
Clément R
@ V&B Coudekerque1 month ago
@ Ray's Cave5 months ago
Having this Texas sour provided by my son-in-law Ryan. Him, my daughter, and me are going to share this Martin House experience.
Strong aroma from opening the can of bananas but not much strawberry. Medium yellow as it pours into the glass and then a hint of pink develops. From the glass the aroma definitely has strawberry with the banana. Of course that first sip has a tartness to get acclimated to. After that the fruity flavor of both strawberry and banana is very good. It's drinkable and light and refreshing ... And dangerous! Nowhere, I mean nowhere, is there any alcohol. Even after 3, 4, 6 sips, no alcohol. Hiding 12% isn't easy but they've done it. I also never picked up on the oak flavor that should be the result of being aged on oak spirals.
I'm not a big fan of sours. This is definitely sour but not in an offensive way. More like the way grapefruit juice hits you. I actually like this and would not hesitate to have another. Except for that 12% which is hiding somewhere.
@ Ray's Cave5 months ago
This is a Duo and I had this beer with its 2022 version. This is the 2024 which takes the alcohol from 12% to 13.5%. Will it matter?
Starts with a heavy whiskey barrel and sweet malt. The malt quickly develops a severe scorched malt characteristic. Very sweet, deep roasted molasses. The scorch in the malt seems to rise to the surface and dominate.
This had every opportunity to be a great beer but everything seemed to fall apart. Flavor was mediocre, intense alcohol was abandoned and alone.