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4th Tap Brewing Co-Op
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4th Tap Brewing Co-Op
Austin, United States

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Post author: Edgeworth
@ Mentone
4 years ago
This is our eighth sampling of beer on a family killer poker night. Pours with a deep hazy orange, very little head. Not much aroma. Very weak spice but not much pumpkin. Finish is also a weak and bitter. Not the autumn punch that I was expecting.

Post author: Edgeworth
@ Allen's Cave
4 years ago
Having an evening brew at my son's man cave while watching football. This one is a Texas-style imperial pumpkin ale. Surprisingly low head. Deep orange color, a little hazy. Very faint aroma that has a little pumpkin and a little spice. Flavor comes across as more spice than the pumpkin until you get to the finish where the pumpkin becomes prominent. Finish is only slightly bitter, mildly pumpkin spice. Flavor is good but really needs more of it. Have to downgrade it because it's a little weak.