24 ratings
Yee-Haw Brewing Company
Johnson City, United States
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@ Allen's Cave2 months ago
New Year's Eve and having Dirty Santa with the entire family. Brutal gift stealing abounds but no bloodshed this year. Sharing this Nashville IPA.
A snowstorm of haze with an abundance of particulates in the glass. Strong citrus aroma. Flavor hits hard with its hop bitterness. Grapefruit, lemon pith and resin that's leaving a stinging sensation. Way too bitter for my pallet. If you're one of those that love the real bitter IPAs then this is for you.

@ Allen's Cave4 months ago
At my son's house having the first of six beers he brought me back from his vacation trip. This one is a dunkel from Knoxville Tennessee. I love dunkles.
The liquid coming from the can look just like a cola, translucent and not overly dark. Has a brownish red color when held up to the light. Foamy head but it didn't last. Aroma is sweet, earthy and malty. Roasted malt on the mild side. Super sweet that seems to have some raw honey in the background. Texture is smooth, soft but turns a little flat in the finish. As the finish arrives the sweetness becomes unpleasantly salty.
Started out okay, a little too sweet. I did not enjoy the finish. That salty ending is not for me.

@ Black Tap Craft Burgers & Beer1 year ago

2 years ago