
Post author: Toto Le Houblonné
Toto Le Houblonné
@ Playa Dominicus
1 month ago
Presidente Black, Dominican Republic
De retour en Rép Dom on continue la découverte des bières locales, c'est plutôt très classique avec un bon goût malté

Post author: Romario R
Romario R
2 months ago
Better than all current variants abvailable.

Post author: Valcourt M
Valcourt M
@ Majestic Mirage Punta Cana
7 months ago

Post author: Steve Tilloi T
Steve Tilloi T
2 years ago

Post author: Leonar1018
4 years ago

Post author: Ricardo M
Ricardo M
4 years ago

Post author: gadielt
4 years ago

Post author: Sonja Liriano
Sonja Liriano
6 years ago

Post author: Tracy69
7 years ago

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Supermercado Playero
7 years ago
Presidente Black, Dominican Republic
Clear, deep golden beer pours from the bottle into the glass. Abundant carbonation builds effervescent, white, velvety head that soon descends to a much more decent level, yet lingers on top throughout the entire drink. A plenty of drying foam traces remain on the side of the glass. Nose senses sweetish pale malt, a tad cookies and an extremely remote note of honey. The scent is generally speaking mild. The taste is equally mediocre: slightly bitter standard pale malt combined with ridiculously scanty hops, white bread, a bit of crackers and a faint sweetish twist constitute everything that one can call a 'taste'. The most astonishing characteristics of this brew is, however, that it brags of containing 6 % ABV. The tongue would say 3.5-4 %. I don't understand how on Earth this brewery manages to disguise alcohol so nicely that every beer tastes much weaker than what the ABV would suggest. The body is light. The finish offers somewhat sweet malt, some bread and a biscuity note but that's pretty much it. The duration of the aftertaste is relatively short. Mouthfeel is light, standard, bulky, easy and fresh. It's rather clean and smooth, as well. A Pilsener this is not for sure even though that's what the label declares.